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Supporting Whatcom News

Thank you for your interest in supporting locally owned and independent community journalism focused firmly on Whatcom County areas. Whatcom News is supported by advertising revenue and voluntary contributions from readers.

While electronic contributions are preferred (payments are handled via WordPress and Stripe via the button below), if you would prefer supporting via mailed checks, you can do so with checks payable to Whatcom Marketing LLC mailed to Whatcom News, PO BOX 342, Ferndale WA 98248-0342.

Suggested Support Levels


1. Click a tab above to choose between one-time, monthly or yearly donations.

Click the tabs above to choose between one-time, monthly or yearly donations.

Click the tabs above to choose between one-time, monthly or annual donations.

2. Choose an amount below.


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Your support is greatly appreciated.

Your contribution is appreciated.

Your support is appreciated.

Click Here to Contribute Click Here to Contribute Click Here to Contribute


Is my donation tax-deductable?

No, it is not. Whatcom News is not a charity. It is a for-profit business. Your support funds freelance reporters, equipment and service fees needed to research, compile and publish community news.

Why should I support Whatcom News?

Reader support for Whatcom News is always welcome. Reader support has paid for freelance reporters, photography, etc. behind many stories you read. In addition, ongoing website development, maintenance along with programming and third-party resources to provide new features and services get funded.

Ongoing monthly reader support enables bringing on additional staff to expand news coverage and to reach out to the business community to let them know about how affordable and effective advertising with Whatcom News is.

Does this mean Whatcom News will no long be available to everyone for free?

Whatcom News will always be free via because everyone, regardless of financial ability, deserves access to the important information available via community journalism. Free access also serves advertisers’ interests by providing a much larger and loyal audience.

How do I make changes to my subscription or update my payment method?

An email will be sent to the email address you provided containing a receipt and a link to manage your subscription. You can also click here to manage your subscription. You can cancel at any time.

How can I, as a supporter, influence editorial decision-making?

We are an independent news organization that values our editorial integrity and independence. Our subscribers have no influence over editorial content choice nor the decisions that go into developing stories, including photo or video choices.

Thank you for your support and please email Joe Beaulaurier with any questions.

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